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Early Planning of Deck or FenceWorks in Your Favor
December 2, 2019

As Houston fence Installers, we get inquiries year round about building new fences and maintaining previously existing fences. Because we are located in an area that doesn’t have an extended winter season, we have the liberty of working a much more flexible “long season.” For most companies, this is not the case. Most of the United States work an extended summer season with summer being the most temperate climate to work outdoors. Even so, we do most of our work in the summer months because that is when most people prefer to be outdoors, enjoying their new patio, deck or fence.

In our line of work, it is very beneficial to get ahead of the game. If you are considering a new deck, fence or patio, make sure to plan ahead and think about exactly when you would like it built. When spring rolls around and more people get the idea to build a new patio, deck, or fence, our schedule tends to fill up very quickly. Beyond our schedule here at FenceKeeper, here are some of the big reasons why planning ahead on a new fence project will work in your favor.

Beating the Rush
The people whom we are so fortunate to employ take great pride in the work that they do for us at FenceKeeper. We are lucky enough to have some of the most talented 
fence installers in Houston, TX, and we do not take that lightly. They do not only create some of the most beautiful wooden fencing structures in the country, but they also do so with great skill which they have honed through years of experience and hard work in the field. They do not rush through jobs just so they can move on to the next one. Our employees are dedicated craftsmen in that they pay attention to every detail you want. They are not interested in going back to fix mistakes, so they make certain to do it right the first time. This means that we have fewer employees free to start new projects and we are okay with that. We would prefer that each job is perfect and our customers know that. Getting an early start on your new fence, deck or patio is one way to beat the rush this season and make sure that you will have access to our extremely talented employees working on your new fence.

Acquiring Building Permit
One of the biggest factors in building a fence that usually slips the mind of the homeowner is obtaining a permit. In some areas, you are required to obtain a permit to build a new fence, patio or deck structure for your home. As Houston fence installers, we have had plenty of experience in this area, and we are happy to remind you when we schedule your installation. However, if you were looking to get the project done in a short amount of time, this may set you back. When working with the city government, it is a good idea to give yourself plenty of time for them to process your request and grant you the appropriate permission for your project. The last thing you want is to have your new fence pushed back a few weeks because you don’t have that all important piece of paper.

These are just a few tips from your expert fence installers in Houston, TX on how to move your project along quickly this season. Planning ahead is always a good idea when building a new structure, and we hope you take these small tokens of advice into consideration. As always, if you are looking to build a new wooden fence or structure in your yard, give FenceKeeper a call today!

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